SonicWall Capture Client 3.5

Is there a way when mass deploying capture client 3.5+ , To prevent the giant pop up at the end of the install ? We would like to be able to push the client and sentinel One with out the End User being alerted to the install. When pushing Capture Client 3.5+ now , After capture client installs silently , It brings up the capture client panel to state it is installing sentinel One . Any way to prevent this?
Category: Capture Security Center
Have you tried deploying it with this guide?
Yes, Well aware of how to Deploy using the RMM Scirpt. This question is regarding the Capture Client Dashboard appearing after install. The install of Cap Client is silent but the following installation of sentinel One isnt, due to the capture client dashboard appearing after install
We are also interested in this and if there is a way to install Capture Client without the need for someone to login to the endpoint to complete the installation. We would like to push the client out to about 100 endpoints afterhours and have the systems protected before users login the next day. Currently this is not possible and once the user logs in, CC completes the install and prompts the user for a restart, which as noted is not silent.
In addition to this, even though the user may be prompted that a restart is needed and this is also shown in the CC Management console, but our RMM does not detect that the system has a restart pending. Why is this?
Hi @Spartans4SonicWALLS
you should try 2 tools. Orca for creating MST file. and msiexec.