Adding new firewall to NSM

I have a new TZ-270 that I configured manually to have our default configuration. I have X0 and X1 set as a L2 bridge and X2 configured for the management on the local network. I am able to connect to the firewall and manage it thru its web interface with no problems. I tried to add it to my NSM On-Perm closed network but once added “Connecting to device” fails. I tried to delete it out of NSM but that also fails.
The event log shows:
Unable to read status from the firewall (Serial Number: 2CB8EDC35460)
Device FW1160PAD01 (2CB8EDC35460) status could not be updated
Failed to get SMS config: mongo: no documents in result
I’m at a loss on what to do next.
Best Answer
Douglas Newbie ✭
I found the problem. I fat fingered the route back to the NSM server.