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Site 2 Site VPN from Object to Object

Dear Community

I'm new to SonicWall so I probably put this in the wrong Category. I already made some simple configurations on the SonicWall like Setupconfigs, NAT, Access Rules, BWM, VPN, etc.

Now I've got the following Scenario:

We got a Client that would like to establish an Always On VPN Connection from his Fileserver to our Fileserver, so we can automate some process trough some scripts. Now my question is: is it possibleto make a Site to Site VPN where the remote and local network is an Adress Object not a Subnet. I'm not talking about the Access Rules where I would specify the Source and Destination in each Network, but like directly on the VPN Policy?

I ask this beacuse we were not able to establish the tunnel between our Firewalls and we aren't sure if the Problem is SonicWall to Checkpoint VPN or the Object to Object "Site 2 Site" VPN Project.

Thank y'all for the answers:)


Category: Entry Level Firewalls


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