H/A pair NSv 270 on Azure is not feasible...

Hello Community, need help about the feasibility of a H/A cluster on Azure consisting of a pair of NSv 270.
The SonicOSX 7 NSv Getting Started Guide for Azure indicates 2 networks interfaces for NSv 270 while to build the H/A pair at least 3 interfaces are needed. Can you confirm this?
Thus there is no sense in proposing such solution (NSv 270 H/A on Azure) anymore.
Category: Virtual Firewall
@Enzino78 , you can still purchase the 270 and deploy it on a larger instance size with 3 interfaces for HA. It will not use the full RAM/CPU if it is above the 270 maximums but it will still function and you can have HA.
thanks MasterRoshi for your feedback.
So you confirm the NSv 270 on Azure is able to see more than the two interfaces indicated in the linked QIG. Our partner that has to confirm a project involving a couple of NSs 270 in H/A on Azure with 3y services is looking for this solution.
Can you provide me some proofs of this working scenario (screenshot, implementation guide, ...)? Many thanks.
Ciao Enzino ;-)
The datasheet shows that the NSV 270 only supports two interfaces. If you operate the NSv 270 with three interfaces, you are outside the specifications. I don't think you would get the assistance of SonicWall Support if you need it. With the NSv 470, you are on the safe side.
Thanks @Thomas_Buergis it is a pleasure have your answer here 😉. Probably customer budget can't fit a pair of NSv 470. Regarding the support hint I will advise the partner too. Warm Regards.
Ciao Thomas,
after further analisys, I've received from our local SonicWall team the official indication to use a larger Azure image to accomodate the needs of H/A installation even on NSv 270. Here the link to SonicWall KB: https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/how-to-deploy-sonicwall-gen7-nsv-in-active-standby-high-availability-mode-on-azure/210329084847190/
Thanks for your feedback anyway.