What would it take to get MySonicWall to show correct Licensing information for all categories?

MySonicWall is now - on November 3, 2021 - at version 19.0.
The Licensing information displayed on the Dashboard is incorrect to the point of causing potential errors.
Case in point: My own Tenant widget which reflects a TZ Soho250W.
Looks, good, right? Got that little green "i" next to License Status (1 active license) that lets me know everything's all right.
However, the details are quite different:
Yes, there is a cloud service license that will expire in (significantly) less than 90 days and there is no orange dot to warn me!
On the other hand, I have Tenants for whom I've replaced their NSM licenses and the dashboard still shows red dots - for expired licenses - and I don't have any clear understanding of why that would be the case.
So, SonicWall, what's going on with this? And why should I be the one to have to point it out to you?
Seems like its going to take quite a bit Larry.
I've got an open case now on this and Princy (who has managed to grab some folks to fix things in the past) has a lot of work to do...
hmm... a miracle?
I received a phone call from SonicWall support this morning.
To clarify: the Licensing information in the widgets on the MySonicWall dashboard ONLY reflect CGSS/AGSS subscriptions.
Based on my request, it will include NSM licensing in the future (no telling when).
Based on what I can only imagine to be confusion about this, I requested the MSW documentation be updated to reflect the current (and possible future) state of what "license status" means.