Windows update error and can't proceed

Hi All,
Good Day. This is to ask for your help to where do I need to adjust my TCP flood protection due to the error that I get when doing a windows update. Kindly see image for your reference.
The logs says :
Category : Firewall Settings
Message : Possible TCP Flood on IF x0
source : IP
dst : IP
rates: 1485/sec continues
7333/sec continues
1480/sec continues
IP Protocol : TCP
Here is my Flood Protection image:
Thank you so much in advance.
Have a good day and keep safe.
Best Answer
TKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
The message you are receiving is a warning not an error, and generally isn't much to worry about. Yes, you should have flood protection on, but it shouldn't be a knee jerk reaction just because of some warnings in the log. These days clients and servers pump out traffic so fast for all kinds of reasons (poor programming, vendor-specific 'standards', streaming/voip).
Investigate what the actual traffic is first. Is it just normal web traffic or something that seems malicious? If you want to enable flood protection bump up the default thresholds because those will be hit in no time. Observe the statistics and if you feel too much is getting dropped due to flood protection (or you get lots of complaints) bump up the numbers again.
This is troubleshooting 101...