MAC authentication Bypass with Guest Captive Portal

Is it possible to enable MAC authentication (filtering) on a zone/subnet that is configured for an external captive portal? We want to send MAC authentication requests to our RADIUS server and if it receives an Access-Accept back, the user should bypass the captive portal and be online, else, forward to the configured splash URL as configured.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I've spotted the Bypass option when enabling the Captive Portal, but the only option seems to be "All MAC addresses" or a MAC object. No way to use a RADIUS server for the list?
Anyone got thoughts on this? Thanks
Sorry to bump, but really hoping for an answer...
Hi @jw_pw,
Thanks for reaching out to SonicWall Community.
I ran your question by a Solutions Engineer and their response is as follows:
"Yes – the MAC Filtering can be utilized on the respective Zones using the MAC address objects. Try enforcing the MAC filtering from the Zone that’s in question. "
Let me know if that helps!
Hi @EnaBev
Does that mean you can use a RADIUS server for MAC filtering (when using a captive portal on the same zone/WLAN) or is the filtering only a manual inputted list?
Hi @jw_pw,
Here is the response I received regarding your question:
"Yes. You can enable the Guest Services for External Captive Portal with RADIUS Server has to be configured in the RADIUS Server tab as per below screenshot."
Hi @EnaBev This isn't quite what I'm asking. I know we can use RADIUS server for the captive portal, but what I need to know is can we use a RADIUS server for MAC filtering (which is before the captive portal at layer 2).