8200v SMA - Nested Group doesn't work.

I contacted support but they dismissed me.
I have configured nesting group, but it doesn't work.
I’ve got a group PL_G_SMA_TEST – this group has an access to some recoures to our network over the SMA.
I create group PL_G_LOD_SMA where i placed a user : Zbigniew Bedkowski (you can see their on the screen).
Group PL_G_LOD_SMA is a member of the group PL_G_SMA_TEST.
And when i connect to SMA as a user: Zbigniew Będkowski (which is in the nested group) – i can not access resources which i have configured in Access Control for the group PL_G_SMA_TEST.
Look at screenshots below.
What can i do wrong??
Any idea?? :)
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
Please correct the nested group. You need to enter the correct nested group.
Also you can call us on our support number so we can collect the logs and check the issue live.
Which group i need to correct? Which group is correct??
Group PL_G_SMA_TEST - is the group which is configured in SMA with some resources
Group PL_G_LOD_SMA (contains user) - is the member of group PL_G_SMA_TEST
Best Regards
Groups :
PL_G_SMA_TEST - this group is configured in SMA with the access to resources.
---> User : Zbigniew Bedkowski
Have you test increasing the nested group lookup number from "1"?
Also, the AD group cache is 900s(15mins), you may need to wait for 15 mins until the new group lookup works.
Yes i tested other settings, now the nested group lookup number is 5.
I know that the AD group cache is 15 minutes, and everytime when i change - i'm waiting about 20 minutes.
Is anyone here who this option works for?