TZ270 Native VLAN

I have a TZ270 connected to a SWS14-24FPOE in the external controller section on the firewall and I am having issues with the Native VLAN.
Lan Network - X0:V1 Believe the built-in vlan is 1
Secured Wireless is - X0:V10
Guest Wireless is - X0:V20
The fire wall is connected by X0 to Switch Port 1
The AP is connected to port 24 which is portshielded for x0 trunked for vlan 10 & 20 and native port is set as 1.
The issue. I have WNM AP 231c that is broadcasting secured traffic on Vlan 10, and Guest traffic on Vlan 20 the wireless network work just fine. The ap itself is unable to pull DHCP from the native vlan 1 which then does not allow it to connect to WNM anymore making it unmanageable. My laptop is also unable to pull DHCP from the port. I have also tried changing the native port to 3968 which I believe should be the X0 interface also.
Another issue. Once the firewall is controlling the switch in the external controller i can no longer add vlans to x0.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I forgot to mention that I am trying to pull DHCP from X0:V1 network for the AP.