Disable inter VLAN routing

I have a few VLAN’s in my Sonicwall but I can still ping devices from one VLAN to another. I’m pretty sure it’s because they’re in the same zone. If I create a new zone (VOIP zone for example) to move one of my VLAN’s into it and set the security type to "trusted", that just means that any VLANs I put into the VOIP zone would be able to talk to each other but not the LAN zone right? Also need to make sure they can connect out to the internet.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Thanks for that! If I uncheck that box to "allow traffic between zones of the same trust level" and move my phones into that VOIP zone, will they still be able to connect to the gateway for connectivity since the VOIP VLAN is a sub interface of X0?
No, VoIP will not be able to communicate with LAN, you have to create Access Rules for allow any traffic. Default will be Drop Traffic.
Sorry I'm a bit confused. I don't want any VOIP traffic to be able to communicate with the LAN but I do need it to have internet access. Do I just need to crate an access rule that says...
From VOIP ZONE to WAN, allow "all", source "any"?
That's correct, if everything is forbidden, you have to allow what's necessary, VoIP -> WAN in your case.
Perfect. Thanks for the help!
Do I need to worry about DHCP since the VLAN's are bound to X0?
Creating the new zone then manually adding the rules to only allow WAN access worked. Thanks!