Has anyone found an equivalent option of exporting non-default CLI settings?

Back in the old days, you could dump the config, only showing non-default values. This was hugely helpful if you templated your configs for implementation across many devices, as you could work from a box exactly how you wanted it set up, then tweak minor sections like interfaces and the like. In newer versions of the CLI for SonicOS, this seems to be gone.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I don't often use the CLI these days. Not sure when they removed the option as only current-config or cli are available now. You could use diff to compare a current-config from the same model of unconfigured Sonicwall to a working and configured model. A bit more tedious than just exporting the non-default values, but no choice unless Sonicwall decides to include a choice other than current-config.
With recommendations from others here about how to configure the upgrade of a TZ500 to a TZ670, I too, have been looking at a way of obtaining the huge amount of custom Address Objects and Groups to edit into a script for import.
As a long-time ago mainframer, ISPF was the only advanced editor. I actually miss the ability to open a text file, exclude all the lines, find all the lines with the word "custom" (which would include them) and then expand around those lines for just what I wanted, and then delete all the excluded lines. What would remain could then be massaged into an input file.
Sadly, the one or two Windows-based versions of ISPF are not sufficient to do that sort of thing. Sigh...
One would hope that with the number of programmers SonicWall is currently employing, having a "custom export" function would be doable. But getting the RFE implemented is another story.