TZ400w disconnecting users and spamming message about access control

Hi there,
I've tried reaching out to support for this but so far I have not had good luck. We have a weird issue where sometimes very randomly the firewall will get spammed with messages like:
"destination for (one of our DNS servers) is not allowed by access control"
"destination for (the other DNS server) is not allowed by access control"
"destination for is not allowed by access control"
During this everyone gets kicked off of the VPN and reconnecting works, but then you are booted after maybe a minute. Once the log stops spewing those messages the VPN works for a little bit but it eventually always ends up doing it again.
I have scoured google and none of the top page results have been helpful (such as setting up a NetBios object). Has anyone run into issues with this and have any ideas of what I can do? Most recently I added 2 access rules that just allow everything from LAN to SSLVPN and SSLVPN to LAN. Praying that fixes it but who knows. Also firmware is up to date.
Hello @Joey,
Based on the logs you are seeing, it should mean access control of the user belonging to SSLVPN or GVC. Is the DNS server added to the client routes of SSLVPN and access control tab for the users connecting to SSLVPN and GVC?
I would suggest checking that and making sure that it is added there.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services