TZ270 running 7.0.1-R1456 - SSL VPN service stops working after so many days

Hi guys,
I've got a TZ270 deployed that running firmware 7.0.1-R1456. It was a brand new configuration. Every 30-60 days users are getting an error when I try to connect via SSL VPN (I believe it's server unavailable). If you try to access the SSL VPN page it also fails to load. Rebooting the firewall resolves the issue.
I have TONS of TZ300s, TZ205s, TZ400s and this has never been an issue.
I've seen other people complaining about the same issue:
(3) TZ670 randomly stops allowing SSL-VPN connection? : sonicwall (
Is there a newer firmware release that resolves this issue?
Category: SSL VPN
Correction - I'm reading some other posts and there's a chance the issue is happening closer to two weeks instead of 30-60 days. Is there a chance loading firmware 5018 might resolve these issues even though it doesn't state in the release notes that it fixes issues with SSL VPN?
I have 5018 running with about 4 weeks of uptime and this issue is gone so far. I will keep running 5018 for another month or so.
@César_S and @EAnderson_SN were also affected as it seems in this thread:
Maybe one of them has seen the issue with 5018 or another update on the situation?
That's a great sign. I just installed 7.0.1-5023-R1826 on Friday evening. Hopefully this resolves the issues. What's strange is I can't find anywhere in the release notes where SSL VPN is mentioned under the "resolved issues" section.
Just to add to the notes, we are experiencing the same problem with our TZ370. We will be updating to 5030 this week as well. Hopefully, it solves this problem. The strange thing is we are not seeing this with any of our client's firewalls.
I just wanted to add that since upgrading the firmware the issue has been resolved on my end. Really wish the notes had mentioned this issue was resolved as it would have saved me the time to make this post in the first place.