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KB Page FQDN for Capture Client Software outdated

edited August 2021 in Capture Client

When you check:

What FQDN's and IP's are used by SonicWall products to update their services? | SonicWall

the Entry for is missing, you might want to update it.

Additonal note, is there any documentation which ports are needed for CC to communicate to the Datacenter? Would highly appreciate any information



Category: Capture Client

Best Answer

    VSharmaVSharma SonicWall Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Bernhard_Winter,

    I hope you are doing great!

    With regards to your questions about the communication ports used by the capture client to reach the data center.

    Capture Client uses HTTPS (443 TCP )and HTTP(80 TCP) ports for this communication.

    I hope this helps.


    Vinayak Sharma


  • EnaEna SonicWall Employee

    Hi @Bernhard_Winter,

    Thanks for letting us know about the Capture Client KB update.

    I'll go ahead and move this post to the Capture Client category and work on providing additional information/documentation.

    Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

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