VPN reconnection times taking too much

Hello, I have a TZ350 configured at main office and 2 remote offices with a SOHO250 each one (both sides with dynamic IP address). The vpn reconnection between remotes and main offices lasts too much when a change in the internet connection occurs at main office (primary to secondary). Policy is site to site. How could I reduce this time?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
provide more details about your config please...
Thanks for your answer, TKWITS.
Every side of the VPN tunnels use dynamic IP. The VPN are side to side, Auth method: Ike using preshared key, IKE1 (phase1) propossal: -Exchange: Agressive Mode -Encryption 3DES - Authentication: Sha1. Lifetime 28800. VPN policy bound to zone wan. Any other information, please request for it.
a simple test is changing the lifetimes to something much shorter and enabling dead peer detection (but i dont think you can using aggressive mode).
Hi Tkwits, thanks for your answer. But How could be this possible? Isn't Lifetime the time the VPN tunnel re-establish the Security? The default is 8 hours, If the negotiation happens in smaller time intervals, won't that be worse instead?