Could SonicWall NOT require the use of a third party software product to read TSRs from a SonicWave?

Download a TSR from any SonicWall firewall and it warns you "You are about to export sensitive information in plaintext format" and the file has a .wri suffix. Easily opens with built-in Windows applications.
However, download a TSR from a SonicWave connected solely via WNM and the file comes down with a .tar.gz suffix, which requires the use of a third-party product to open the file before it can be read.
I recognize the need for the security of a file that's being transmitted over the internet, but could you please revise the process so that we can still use a built-in Windows application to open it?
Category: Wireless Network Manager
@EnaBev - welcome to SonicWall!
@Larry Thank you!
It is May 2022, and I have encountered this problem once again while attempting to obtain the latest TSR from an outdoor access point.
@EnaBev In August 2021 I created Support Case 43770993.
The last (and only) comment was: "Created an RFE #4454 based on the customer requirement"
Could you - or someone else - please find out what the current status is?
One year later and, once again, I am faced with this recurring problem.
@Community Manager is there some way you can find out the status of that RFE?
The "problem" is that you don't have software on your machine that can open a gzipped tar archive? I am not surprised that Sonicwall aren't prioritising this, given how trivial it is to work around yourself.
Note that there is no inherent security in tgz file, it's not necessarily encrypted. Unlike the inscrutable PGP-encrypted system log files that Gen 7 firewalls produce!
@Arkwright - the real "problem" is that the resulting zipped file contains not only the WRI document, but also a "profile.enc" file and the SonicWave's EXP file. That's the reason it is zipped.
If "download TSR" meant download only the TSR file, I would never have brought this up.
However, on my production machine I do not have a third-party utility to unzip files. I have used the built-in version that Microsoft has provided for more than two decades.
FWIW, a quick Google suggests that Windows 10 [so I would have to assume later versions as well] ships with tar tools already installed. A quick Google couldn't tell me when this was added.