How to filter connections/audit API call

regarding to /apidocs/docs.htm#!/Connection32Management/retrieveCnxnMgmtAuditData it is possible to add a filter to API calls.
Can someone advise me how to filter the response to a specific recipient / timerange
What i try to archive is a List of E-Mails that passed the Mailsecurity for a specific user, in a timerage of i.e. last 3 Day´s.
i can't figure out how to define that filter :-(
Category: Developer Hub
Hey @derVossi,
I hope you are well.
I've moved this conversation to our Developer Hub category so our experts can help you out. @Jaime do you have any thoughts on this one?
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
Email Security is not my specialization, but I tried to look into it. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten anywhere with it. Your best bet will be to create a support case so that our Email Security specialists can help you. In the meantime, I've passed this to a colleague for his thoughts.