RADIUS Configuration TZ400

in VPN Client
How do I get the built in Windows 10 VPN client to connect to the RADIUS server on a TZ400?
I can test the user against the RADIUS server from the SonicWall on the LAN and it works fine.
I can't a WIN10 VPN client to connect to the radius server using domain credentials. I can get VPN to work using L2TP/pre-shared secret.
Category: VPN Client
Hi @WORKS2020,
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
Is your windows client trying to contact the RADIUS server via SonicWall TZ 400 for authentication? If yes, you may perform a packet capture on the SonicWall for client IP address and destination port numbers UDP 1812, 1645.
If traffic is not passing via the SonicWall, then we may need to check the RADIUS server logs or event viewer logs.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services