Frequent disconnects with VPN Client

in VPN Client
Hi, I have a serious problem.
My VPN Client drops quite often (6-10 times a day) and I do not have a heck of an idea, why this is.
Connection to our company VPN appliance "seems" stable, can be pinged and has no drops. My Internet provider (here in germany) is Unitymedia/Vodafone, cable-based with 1Gbit download, 50Mbit upload.
Can you help me how to find the cause?
By the way, sometimes I see the message "No internet access" on my LAN icon, but obviously I have Internet access. Is this something suspicious?
Any pointer is appreciated,
Category: VPN Client
"sometimes I see the message "No internet access" on my LAN icon, but obviously I have Internet access. Is this something suspicious?" seems you are on to something...
Based on my research "NCSI taskbar icon may report "no internet" on Windows 10 2004 devices that DO have internet access" is a known issue, for more information, please kindly refer to the following link:
You can assign the IP address manually to the impacted client as a workaround, then everything works again. You can even switch back to DHCP after that.