Well is it up or is it down?

Trying to get to Wireless Network Manager on Tuesday morning July 6.
Here's what appears:
But go to https://status.sonicwall.com and see that there's no maintenance and everything is up:
(never mind no one has changed the product name on this page, it still shows all green...)
I cannot call this in as a problem because Support demands to have a device ID and that is not what is affected.
What do you suppose is going on?
Guess I'm going to have to tell the client that I can't fix a problem they've reported until SonicWall fixes a problem they haven't reported...
Category: Wireless Network Manager
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Hi @Larry,
Let me look into this. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
@Micah I appreciate it if you could.
The situation resolved by the time I got done waiting for someone on the Wireless team to pick up the call.
It would be nice to know what - exactly - was going on this morning.