Bandwidth Management on Virtual WAN

Hello Community.
Our customer has configured a TZ370 WAN in PPPoE mode with a mandatory VLAN (provider asked him to set the VLAN tag to 835). So he has configured the X1:v835 while X1 was left in DHCP even if it won't receive any address. Hence he has to configure some BWM rules for bandwitdh reservation/limitation on several connections/protocols. But on the X1:v835 virtual interface there isn't the possibility to configure ingress and egress bandwidth as can be done on the phisical ones. How could be solve this issue and let thn able to confiugre the proper BWM rules?
Thanks, Regards.
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
You can mention the Egress/Ingress bandwidth on the X1 interface itself.
The BWM on Gen 7 devices is in advanced mode, so the policies will apply based on the BWM objects created.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Enzino78 I don't have a Gen7 with VLAN tagged WAN Interface in production, but in Gen6 this was not possible. I guess the only option would be to put a small managed switch in front of your TZ 370 and do the tagging there.
While looking at a fresh TZ 670, the Network Interface Settings do not provide BWM for a virtual Interface, so I guess it's a no.
Thanks Michael. I've received also this feedback: I would use Advanced BWM type, as it does not require any settings on the interfaces. -