Help to Log-In to my firewall

Hello, I have a DELL SonicWALL TZ300 that I purchased a few years ago. I have not used it in a while due to a premises move.
I would now like to start using it again but I cannot find out how to log in to it so I can set it up with my new connection details.
I'm probably being a real dummy but I cannot find the IP address to be able to log in online. An IT company set it up for me 4 years ago but they no longer have records :-(
I'm not even sure if I have plugged it in correctly!!
Can anyone help?
Thank you in advance
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hello @CarolineEburne,
Welcome to the SonicWall community.
I would suggest resetting the firewall and configuring it from scratch. You can use the following KBs for the same.
The default X0 IP is with username/password as admin/password.
You can give this a try if that helps before resetting the firewall.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services