Sonicwaves and Ip addressing

I'm hoping for a better explanation on how the Sonicwaves work regarding Ip addressing. We have a our APs addressed with a address. We also have two virtual networks on X5 for our two wireless subnets. These are the addresses the clients receive. However I see in our DHCP leases, it appears the sonicwaves are pulling an address from one of these virtual subnets as well. Can someone enlighten me on exactly how the Ip addressing works with Sonicwaves?
Category: High End Firewalls
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SonicWaves/Sonicpoints always automatically reserves the last range of IP addresses in a subnet that is assigned to the WLAN interface on the SonicWall.
You can configure the IP addresses on a SonicWave manually too if needed.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
It appears the APs have been assigned a static Ip manually. What I don't understand is why there is a lease for the APs MAC for an address on the WLAN subnet as well.
Could you please check the Network | Interface | configure WLAN interface to find if there is any static IP address mentioned there?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
hi @djhurt1
What's mode will your sonicwave run? Bridge or NAT? Under NAT mode, sonicwave will launch DHCP server itself and allocate IP address for wireless client. There has option to configure static IP. Regarding bridge mode, it doesn't make sense to ask all wireless client to configure static IP. So the network should setup DHCP server. Sonicwave doesn't provide static IP option for bridge mode. You can create static dhcp lease for sonicwave on DHCP server if necessary.
I asked a similar q last week. SonicWall techs have a different definition of "bridge mode" and NAT than everyone wondering how and why an AP asks for and receives a DHCP IP from your network in bridge mode. If it needs that IP address in bridge mode, I shouldn't have to leave bridge mode to set it.
What I did was reserve the addresses I wanted to assign to my AP's in the DHCP system (because SonicWall is too stupid to let me set it on the device within the ranges I define). No apologies for the mounting hatred I have for SonicWall, a company I used to love.
Hi @djhurt1
I hope above answer is clear your sonicwave and IP addressing concern.
On WLAN interface, I have a address assigned there.
I don't see anywhere one could specify what mode the access point operates in. I see you bridge the Interface. Is that what you're referring to?
This looks bit fishy. Your SonicWaves should get IP address on the subnet 172.20.0.x that is used on the WLAN interface. If its out of this IP address range or any other WLAN interface used IP address range, then we may need to work on the issue in real-time.
How many SonicWaves you have and does all of them exhibit this IP address mismatch issue?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services