The glaring limitation of an SPOG that requires an adjustment

SonicWall has touted the SPOG (single pane of glass) concept for a few years now and understandably so. Partners and clients get to use one interface to handle a large number of devices without resorting to multiple logons or applications.
There's only one problem: You cannot have AND open in two different windows at the same time. The one you log on to second will kick you out of the first.
So when reporting a problem, you cannot have NSM open to walk through the steps and type them into the problem description, nor copy the version number into the Environment section.
There is no ability AT ALL to have multiple windows open within the SPOG because the right-click "Open link in new window" option is not available. So you cannot compare one client's settings with another. Instead, you have to bounce up and down through your Tenants to select and copy to, say Notepad, the information you want.
I'm sure there are more constraints others have come across, but not being able to properly create a new Support Case tops my list. Especially given the fragility of the recent software releases for both the cloud and appliances.
Here's hoping someone takes another look...
I have (somewhat the opposite) problems using Firefox 89 on Win10 20H2.
For instance, I launch CSC via \ Services \ Available Services and enter a tenant NSM. Then I use the down arrow menu (along the top) to enter a different tenant NSM and it wants to open a new browser window (which Firefox is set to block by default). After allowing the pop-up I'm in two tenants in two different windows: the first window is greyed out because Sonicwalls web code expects the new window to just pop-up; the second window is usable.
Next I try to use the down arrow menu to return to, which takes me to a login prompt. I enter my credentials and 2FA again, and it goes nowhere. I have to browse to and re-login before I can do anything.
Nevermind the fact that doesn't identify that I'm already logged in to when I use the Resources and Support \ Sonicwall Community link!