Is SMA 100/1000 support user login time shedule and generate user activity report?
1.) I have some doubt regarding SMA 100 and 1000 series. Can we schedule user login time on SMA 100 and 1000 series ? Ex- user can login 8.00a.m to 5.00p.m. After that he could not.
2.) Can we get user activity report on SMA100 and 1000 Series ?
Ex- What are the site access by user, what are the internal ip address access by user.
If we can not get that kind of report from SMA, can we integrate SMA with analytic,NSM or CSC and get report?
Best Answer
NimodaBandara Newbie ✭
navigate to portal --> <your portal>
under login schedule you can set the login times
SMA itself does not have very detailed reporting other than logs. you can schedule logs to be emailed to configured email address.
CSC reporting is available with additional licensing. also can register in GMS as well. but 9.3 has some issues.
hope this helps.