Connected via SSL VPN, but can't log into Sonicwall from web browser

in VPN Client
I'm currently using NetExtender on a Windows 10 laptop. I can log into the SSL VPN and get to my servers and other areas of the lan, but when I try to open a web browser and log into my Sonicwall via IP address, it says "This site can't be reached."
I'm using a TZ470 with firmware 7.0.1-R1262
Category: VPN Client
Hello @JohnG,
Could you please check if web management is allowed over SSLVPN? You can refer to the KB below for all the steps.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @shiprasahu93
I checked all these settings and everything is correct on my firewall, but it still won't let me in. Any other thoughts?
did you see this thread?
or this?
Yeah, we have been over those as well as working with Sonicwall Support on this. Our settings in the firewall are correct.