TZ670 DPI-SSL Client and Dropbox

I have an issue with Dropbox that only happens when I have DPI-SSL active. Dropbox seems to work fine except when I right click on an item in windows explorer and choose share. The DB share Dialog pops up and I get the message Dropbox couldn't complete your request. Check your internet connection and try again.
When I exclude the machine from DPI-SSL I do not get this error.
I already have the following in the common name exclusion
I do not see any connection failures under show connection failures.
Any ideas?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
I found this.
I added the domain
and it seems to fix the issue.
Question is why did this not show up under the connections failure.
Is there a way on the TZ670 to see failed connections or active connections?
You can usually do a packet capture while you reproduce the issue and filter for any SNI's in the Client Hello (using something like WireShark) to see the domains it attempted a connection to.