Local analysis without serial

Hello, I'm trying to register on-premises analytics for ESXI, but I can't go ahead, as shown in the image, As it is a virtual appliance, where can I find the serial and the activation code.
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
Best Answer
MasterRoshi Moderator
Click on that syslog analytics in your screenshot and check the product info. @odanielsantiago__
You would be able to see the serial and authentication code in MSW after you activate the keys. @odanielsantiago__
Can you clarify your question?
You will have to use this serial number and its corresponding authentication code to register your analytics instance. Please make sure not to post sensitive information (serial + authentication code) in public forums like this for security reasons.
we cannot do anything w/o serial number on the appliance. talk to sales or you can if there is any trail version..
Vijay Kumar KV
Enterprise Tech Support Consultant | SME