SonicWALL TZ300 WAN link on-line report

Is there a report or monitor setting that will tell me exactly how long the WAN link has been up/connected to the Internet? I have clients dropping Internet access and I need to see if the WAN link is going off-line as well, but I am remotely accessing the firewall. Thanks in advance.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
If the WAN link itself is going down, you should see some alert logs like
1) Network Alert Interface X1 Link Is Down
2) Network Alert WLB Resource failed
Please make sure that the Failover and LB is turned ON under Network.
Also, you can have someone run continuous pings to the firewall internal IP and and check if both are failing during the time of the issue, or just
If both are failing, there could be some issue with the firewall, if not there might be connectivity issue between the firewall and the ISP or the ISP itself failing.
Also, if you bypass the firewall and connect to the ISP, do you still experience the same problem?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services