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Connect Tunnel virtual adapter hardware error

ChrisCourtrightChrisCourtright Newbie ✭
edited March 2022 in VPN Client

We just rolled out an implementation with an SMA 6210 device and Connect Tunnel application. Overall a big success with so far only one instance of failure to connect. The device keeps failing with the same error, "a network adapter hardware error has occurred". After multiple reinstalls I can't seem to resolve what is happening. Has anyone ever experienced this error before?

Here is a snippet of the connect tunnel logs I was able to pull from the device:

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - ================ SonicWall SMA Connect Tunnel ================

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - App Version:   []

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - ================ Device Information =============================================

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Manufacturer:  [Dell Inc.]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Model:      [Precision 7550]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Processor:    [Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - BIOS Version:  [DELL  - 1072009 - 1.6.2]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - OS Name:     [Microsoft Windows 10 Pro]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Version:     [10.0.19042 Build 19042]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - OS Architecture: [64-bit]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - OS Language:   [1033]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Total Memory:  [33174640 kilobytes]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Free Memory:   [23757464 kilobytes]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - Help: [False], Mode: [], Reset: [False], List: [False], Connect: [False], Disconnect: [False], Status: [False], Debug: [False]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectApplication - App Mode: [Gui]

4/5/2021 8:34:18 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Disconnected

4/5/2021 8:34:27 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - User clicked CONNECT button

4/5/2021 8:34:27 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Connecting...

4/5/2021 8:34:27 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Connecting...

4/5/2021 8:34:27 AM INFO 1 - VpnService - Attempting to connect to plugin...

4/5/2021 8:34:28 AM INFO 1 - VpnService - Connected to plugin.

4/5/2021 8:34:28 AM INFO 1 - ApplianceProbe - Start Probing VPN Server:

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalEndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

  at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

  at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

  at SnwlConnect.ApplianceProbe.<CheckServer>d__9.MoveNext()

4/5/2021 8:34:30 AM INFO 1 - AvVpnServiceManager - AutoReconnect is disabled. Disconnecting session ...

4/5/2021 8:34:30 AM ERROR 1 - AvVpnServiceManager - '' is currently unreachable, please check your internet connection.

4/5/2021 8:34:30 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Disconnected

4/5/2021 8:35:19 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - User clicked CONNECT button

4/5/2021 8:35:19 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Connecting...

4/5/2021 8:35:19 AM INFO 1 - ConnectionForm - Connecting...

4/5/2021 8:35:19 AM INFO 1 - ApplianceProbe - Start Probing VPN Server:

4/5/2021 8:35:20 AM INFO 1 - ProxyUtil - GetCredentials( ...

4/5/2021 8:35:20 AM INFO 1 - LogonAgent - StartLogon(Name:[FireFly VPN] Method:[0] Default:[False] Device VPN:[]) ...

4/5/2021 8:35:21 AM INFO 1 - LogonAgent - ReqMicroInterrogration() ...

4/5/2021 8:35:21 AM INFO 1 - LogonAgent - DoMicroInterrogration() ...

4/5/2021 8:35:21 AM INFO 1 - LogonAgent - DoMi SUCCESS

4/5/2021 8:35:21 AM INFO 12 - LogonAgent - ReqAuthentication() ...

4/5/2021 8:35:30 AM INFO 5 - LogonAgent - ReqAuthentication(Button:[ok]) ...

4/5/2021 8:36:03 AM INFO 17 - LogonAgent - ReqAuthentication(Button:[ok]) ...

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM INFO 10 - LogonAgent - GetBranding(checksum) ...

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM ERROR 20 - LogonAgent - Status:[NotFound] Reason:[NOT FOUND]

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM ERROR 20 - LogonAgent - Code:[0] Message:[The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.]

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM INFO 20 - LogonAgent - GetInterrogation() ...

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM INFO 10 - LogonAgent - PostInterrogation() ...

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM INFO 20 - AvVpnServiceManager - REPC not enabled

4/5/2021 8:36:04 AM INFO 20 - LogonAgent - GetConnectionState() ...

4/5/2021 8:36:05 AM INFO 9 - ConnectionForm - Contacting...

4/5/2021 8:36:05 AM INFO 9 - ConnectionForm - Negotiating...

4/5/2021 8:36:09 AM INFO 9 - ConnectionForm - Identifying...

4/5/2021 8:36:09 AM ERROR 9 - AvVpnServiceManager - A network adapter hardware error occurred.

4/5/2021 8:36:09 AM INFO 9 - ConnectionForm - Disconnected

4/5/2021 8:36:09 AM INFO 9 - LogonAgent - EndLogon() ...

Category: VPN Client
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