TZ400 and Meraki MX100 - Need to route several subnets

I have a TZ400 which I need to incorporate into an existing Meraki infrastructure. I configured the VPN and all appears operational. Currently only one of the remote subnets are being routed. In the past, when I configure Meraki devices as Non Meraki VPN clients, I have the ability to specify several of the remote subnets to be routed, but when I configure the sonic non-meraki vpn client, I can only specify 1 remote subnet in the address object when I select VPN as the zone assignment. How can I configure the sonic to route the additional remote subnets?
Thank you
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
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Looks like you have established a site to site VPN between SonicWall and Meraki devices. You have a requirement of adding multiple remote subnets on the VPN policy of SonicWall and you are looking for some assistance on this. If I'm right, please follow the steps listed in the below KB article,
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
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