DHCP static leases deleted when changing interface settings

today I was trying to get my AirPrint working and enabled Multicast therefore on my WiFi-VLAN Interface. With the consequence that all static DHCP assignments in the DHCP server configuration for that interface got lost.
I experienced a similar behaviour with a customer, I guess it was by enabling/disabling DNS proxy on an interface. So maybe tinkering with settings on the Advanced Interface tab can cause trouble with static DHCP leases.
Is this a known issue or should I create a support ticket?
TZ 400,
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
There is a known issue about DHCP scope deletion when making changes but it is recommended to open a case to make sure you are affected by the same bug and potentially get a hot fix or private build.
Hi @MasterRoshi
thanks for the info, the list of known issues must be long already, considering the fact that the last update was 5 (!) months ago.
Do you have information when we can expect an update for SonicOS addressing the currently known problems?
I'll probably create a ticket for this.
There is always a concern sharing timelines in public forum like this (I will say in the next couple of months to be on the safe side 😉), if you need a private build to fix your issue, we will provide one to you through the support team.
Rumor has it that this is fixed in which is available as Beta Release. Sadly the Release Notes aren't available for download at this point to see if this is really covered.
Hi @BWC ,
Yes the information that you have got is correct, the issue is fixed in Sonic OS and currently there are HF builds available on Sonic OS Firmware for the issue.
Please reach out to support if you are loking forward for the private build.
I hope this helps you.
Stay Safe!!
Nevyaditha P
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Nevyaditha
I guess I'll take a pass on private builds (and all the hassle to get it), considering seems to be appearing on the horizon.
Sadly the Release Notes don't get published at this point, but I'am optimistic that a version increment in 5+ months will cover one or two bugs.