Is this a known bug? SDWAN auto-generated probes showing the wrong gateway

On Gen 7 firewalls, we're finding that if you hover over the Gateway on an auto-added probe added by SDWAN, it shows the wrong IP.
Screenshot is from 7.0.0-906
While this appears to be a visual bug rather than a functional bug, it does make troubleshooting bugs difficult.
Is this a known issue? Is this slated to be fixed in the next version of firmware?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
@WNRG_NathanOrlina ,
I do not see any such reported issues. I will do some testing on my end and will let you know.
So, basically the X1 default gateway IP is something else but when you hover over it, it shows an incorrect IP right?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Correct, the IP displayed for IP Default Gateway is the Probe Target address.