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TZ270 - Issue with LDAP + TLS

Hi Guys,

Experiencing an issue setting up LDAP + TLS.

I have a Windows 2019 Server setup as a Certificate Authority, I exported the CA root cert and imported it into the SonicWall as per the SonicWall KB article for LDAP + TLS. The LDAP will not bind on the SonicWall using port 636. I have disabled the Firewall on the Server and tried using both the IP address and hostname of the Server however receive the error "Bind Failed". If I change the LDAP configuration to use non TLS (389) then the SonicWall binds to the LDAP and works as expected. I have checked and confirmed the Server is listening on 636.

Any Ideas?


Category: Entry Level Firewalls

Best Answer

    shiprasahu93shiprasahu93 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    @AGSonicWall ,

    Was there an error message for the bind fail on the SonicWall? Also while you test the LDAP connectivity from the firewall and it fails, can you please check the event logs on the server?


    Shipra Sahu

    Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services

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