Sonicwall Hypersonic Tier CERT

Can anyone explain this one for me (Entry into a quarterly Hypersonic prize drawing for a custom SonicWall branded duffel bag)?
I just completed Hypersonic Tier Certification. They sent me email. I do not understand this offer. Please explain me clearly
Category: Virtual Firewall
Tagging @Micah. He should be able to get answers for you.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @Kiritharan, let me get the right folks to answer this.
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
Hi Kiritharan,
Every quarter we run a draw, and one of the students who achieved the Hypersonic tier, each quarter, wins a SonicWall branded duffel bag. The SonicWall University team contacts the winner.
Thank you,