Unable to download SonicWall NSv Next-Gen Virtual Firewall OVA

Unable to download SonicWall NSv Next-Gen Virtual Firewall OVA. Please share me a direct link to download .
Category: Virtual Firewall
Best Answer
Saravanan Moderator
Hi @KakolluKumar,
Please find below KB article steps to activate the NSv trial from your MySonicWall account and you should be able to download the respective NSv OVA file from your MySonicWall account.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Unable to download SonicWall NSv Next-Gen Virtual Firewall OVA on for VMware esxi .
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
SonicWall NSv OVA image should be obtained from the MySonicWall account to which it is registered to and file is not available using direct download link. Are you having any difficulties with file downloading from MySonicWall? If yes, please explain.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Yes, I am not able to find the NSv OVA image in MySonicwall . Could you please help me with how to get the file.
I have tried the above link but no luck i couldn't download it. it would be great if anyone helps me with the trial version.
Thank you ,
Kakollu Kumar