[TZ 300] Close Admin windows in WAN

I have one port open outside my company (WAN Port 4444) and I have access to the admin panel. For some security reason I would like to close this port.
I try in Firewall -> Access Rules to remove that and It's impossible ( Auto add : Management rules)
Could you indicate where I can found the page for remove that.
Thanks you by advance
Information : My equipment
Model:TZ 300
Firmware Version: SonicOS Enhanced
Safemode Version: SafeMode
ROM Version: SonicROM
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Looks like this rule is auto-added by turning ON WAN HTTPS management.
Please navigate to MANAGE | Network | Interfaces and click on the edit option for X1 interface and disable the checkbox for HTTPS management and user login and that should automatically remove this rule and the firewall will no longer be accessible from WAN.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services