Are Settings changed by Backoffice ?

We had a big issue last year that HES IP adresses were blacklisted on Backscatterer.
This was a fulltime job for month to discuss with support and get a reliable solution.
On discusions with the support guys we were adviced to set the "Edit Inbound Path" "Directory Harvest Attack (DHA) Protection Settings" to REJECT INVALID ADRESSES.
I change this on all the customers HES. But i came back so often with an DEJA VU. The config is resetted to "process all massages the same"
Which of corse collects more SPAM to wrong email adresses as we want.
Why is this changed automatically - did you see this behavior on your HES?
and customers occasionally asked me about the mass of spam they get...
I think someone is kidding me !
Hi @ThK
thanks for bringing this to attention. Gladly I have only one HES service running and I can confirm that this setting was set to "process all messages the same" which is nothing I would usually go for.
I'll monitor this situation and check back regularely.
@BWC checked my own HES and also set to process all the same. So for now i have corrected 2 of 15....
By the way the other thing is the admin session time . If you have a short break in the session for a telephone call or to get another cup of coffee you are logged out. 2FA is not applicable afaik.
@ThK LOL, the timeout hit me as well, you shouldn't have called it 😂
Because I did not had a single DHA threat in the 14 days message log I did some digging. First thing I experienced there seems to be a delay between commiting a configuration change and the actual impact.
The online documentation isn't complete (seems like a 1:1 copy of the on-premise variant which is different).
But long story short, if the backend is resetting the configuration back to "Process all message the same" we are doomed.
@BWC yesterday i changed all of my instances and in the morning i checked. "Process all the same" is the config!
i remember there was an advice during the backscatterer mess. I finally found
How to enable DHA on Hosted Email Security.
Any ideas?
Hi @ThK
our options are limited, but is the current setting reflecting the protection level? Meaning, are unknown addresses blocked by DHA protection or do they getting through? If DHA is off then your configuration gots altered which is a real problem. If it's just displayed incorrectly on the configuration page it's just an annoying glitch. Either way you probably end up in a support-case, for which I feel sorry for you 😉
I have to check my instance again tomorrow, it is set to Permanently Delete and I'am not sure if I left it there yesterday.
Hi @ThK
my instance still shows Reject invalid addresses, which I set yesterday, so no trouble for me there.
@BWC Hi !
i check all my instances. 3 of them were reset to process all...
I´ll open a case now its mysterious...i do not see why this happens and wheater there is a regular update sequence
again - resettet to process all same
@ThK @BWC Can you send me the serial numbers of the ones that changed.
We are tracking this and I would like to provide the info to engineering.
David Wilbur
Technical Support Senior Advisor, Premier Services , SME Email Security, Cloud Secure Edge
@ThK you called it and now the curse got to me as well.
I checked earlier today and it was set to "Reject invalid addresses" and now it's "Process all Messages the same".
This is messed up and we are not alone with this ****, another user in here complained about the same.
Hey guys I just looked and engineering is testing a fix for this that should be included in 10.0.10.
ETA for 10.0.10 is April 12th.
David Wilbur
Technical Support Senior Advisor, Premier Services , SME Email Security, Cloud Secure Edge
Thanks @David W ... 10.0.10 will be a **** of a release then ... fixing my OpenLDAP (On-Premise) issue after 9+ Months and this thing here. SPF still broken, but we cannot have it all.
@David W this is good news.
my whislist :
a) RBL Servers like on prmise ES
b) 2FO for Management
c) please also have a solution for the login session time. It closes every few minutes.
d) ...
e) ...
There are other changes coming with 10.1 including login timeout values that can be set and the addition of EDNS.
RBL services I doubt will be in HES anytime soon as that is a major effort.
I do know 2FA is on the horizon but not sure where we have that in the roadmap at this point.
David Wilbur
Technical Support Senior Advisor, Premier Services , SME Email Security, Cloud Secure Edge
@ThK 10.0.10 got released today and got this covered as Resolved Issue:
HES: DHA settings are updating automatically. ES-6466
@BWC HES still on 10.0.9 wait for the next maintenance window...
Time-of-Click Unicode character conversion. ES-5633
@ThK HES got updated to, hopefully your problem got resolved.
@BWC the first i did was changeing "my" setting to reject all on my own HES - i hope the settings will be saved...