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Unable to delete groups

SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

I made a mistake while creating a LDAP connected group and I need to start over. But the delete button is greyed out. There are no users from that domain in the users page and I also tried rebooting the appliance.

What could cause the delete option to be unavailable? I'm on firmware.

Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances

Best Answer

    SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    OK now I found something. Seems that it's automatically created and can't be removed. I couldn't find this information in the PDF manual, but it was in the web help pages:

    "Once an LDAP authentication domain is created, a default LDAP group will be created with the same name as the LDAP domain name. Although additional groups may be added or deleted from this domain, the default LDAP group may not be deleted."

    So looks like I can just ignore that group and create another one. Strange, I remember creating that group myself the previous time but perhaps I remember incorrectly.


  • SonicAdmin80SonicAdmin80 Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    Looks like I can delete the whole domain and then the groups disappear as well. But if I create the domain again with the same name, the unremovable group comes back as well.

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