- extendauthentication return code 500
Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
Hi all,
does anybody knows why this happens since upgrade to when accessing a RDP bookmark? It does not always happen, it seems that some component of the internal apache is either crashing or nor processing the request correctly. The RDP connection is working though.
SMAConnectAgent Log
2021-02-09 07:57:07.167 Error: Request for (/cgi-bin/extendauthentication) return code (500) 2021-02-09 07:57:07.167 Query sessionId failed.
SMA log
msg="ExtendID (query) failed extendid: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX='"
Anyone already opened a ticket on this?
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
I haven't opened a ticket, but I'm getting a lot of the same errors in the SMA log after the patch. It also seems to be limited to RDP bookmark users.
I'm also seeing a lot of these similar errors as well. I assume it's someone probing the SMA since no one seems to ever logs in from the associated IP addresses.
SMA Log:
ExtendID (query) invalid extendid: '0' union select sessionId from Sessions limit 1 --'
ExtendID (query) invalid extendid: '1' or substr((select sessionId from Sessions Limit 1 OFFSET 0),1,1)='q';--''
Hi @CCAdmin
FYI a customer reported that the log entries I reported above are no longer there since Firmware