Capture Client - change of device "Computername"

we have Capture Client 3.5.19 in use on macOS 10.15.7 machines.
on one machine we changed the computer name on the mac. username still the same. now in the Devices detail list, i have two devices assigned to the user. once with old name, once with new name.
how can i get rid of the old entry showing the old computername?
Category: Capture Client
Hi @Jürg
first if of all, was your CC Account already migrated or is it a new account? Because I'am still stuck with 3.1.1?
I think you have to decommision the unwanted Devices manually or wait until they get auto-decommisioned.
Thanks Michael
it's a new account, we started with v 3.5.
i tried to decommision the "old" entry, but it decommissioned both devices.
for other users that claim they changed the username (cleanup of fancy names), still only the old name shows up. can i somehow force a "refresh" of the device infos from the management portal ?
thanks a lot
Holy smokes, I suspect another Backend bug here. Probably the Backend or the CC itself does not handle renaming properly.
Seems to me that only an uninstall, rename and re-install is the only way to go. But that's to late for the objects you already deleted/lost.
SNWL need to chime in here, sounds like a support case, mein Beileid :)
Getting used to it. i have currently 8 support cases open with bugs in the CC 3.5 Envirnoment and we are only using it for not even one month. sometimes i wondered if we are the only client on v3.5 with such obvious errors in the management console...
Yeah, sometimes this crosses my mind as well, but I'll leave it to that :)
ah got it. i did decommission. will try delete next time, have more such cases that i did not dear yet to touch ;-)