SMA stop working when using specific certificate in portal

When I select a certificate in virtual host for a portal, The SMA 410 stop working, just go in watchdog and reboot indefinitely. CLI doesn't even work. I have to start from scratch every time.
My certificate don't use CSR generated by my SMA but it still look good because I am able to use it in default setting. I base my configuration on the guide page
Same issu on my 500v.
I'm using a subdomain certificate format :
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
Hi @ jess_gagne, I've had this with my SMA if you check the CLi it will probably show HTTPD failed to start and then reboots you can see this the SMA500v console,
eventually I found the reason was the certificate didn't contain the key even though the SMA accepted it,
if you created via IIS try exporting via MMC and export with the key and all extended properties,
also if you were using the version previous to there was bug to do with the certificates unbinding themselves from the portal after you saved the portal
I try 2 method :
Both method give same issu :
Certificate works if I enable it in System -> Certificate and when I check the certificate detail in my Web Browser, its using the good one.
If I create portal with virtual host configured with interface any, everything ok.
If I create portal with virtual host configured with X0 and IP, Appliance stop working.
On my VM, I don't see boot process... but from my past test on SMA 410, it show httpd failed to start.
The problem appear when I manually define IP and interface for the portal.
I using NAT to redirect internet traffic to my SMA410 and 500v. So my SMA is not directly connecte in WAN.