Unable to retrieve manual license keys from Mysonicwall

I'm trying to setup a new TZ-370W. I don't have internet access to the Sonicwall device and I need to set it up before shipping it its final destination where it will get plugged in. I just updated the license on Mysonicwall.com for this device, and I want to manually apply the updated license key to the device manually. However, when I try to get the manual license key, it gives me an error message saying "This operation connot be performed at this time. Please verify the firmware version." I notice that the firmware version of this product that I registered does not have a firmware version appear (it's blank). Is this normal when first registering a new device? How am I able to verify the firmware version within Mysonicwall.com for a device that isn't connected to the internet?
I've uploaded a screenshot of the blank area where the firmware version normally appears and a screenshot of the error when attempting to download the keys manually
I would suggest testing if it is available while using the classic mode of mysonicwall. If not, please reach out to our Customer Service team for further assistance.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @TSG,
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
For manual registration of SonicWall, did you get a chance to try the steps as suggested in the KB article below?
Firmware version on the MySonicWall appears to be blank and could be because of MSW issues. Regarding the error, please try once later and check it. Sometimes due to some technical issues with the website the error is displayed and trying out the activity at a later time will work out.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@shiprasahu93 ,
Thanks. Do you know a way to switch Mysonicwall.com to classic mode? I didn't see that option, unless I am missing something.
@Saravanan ,
Yes, I did check out the article. The problem though, is that it doesn't allow me to even copy the license keys because the firmware error pops up. Thus, I can't even get to that point where the interface allows me to manually copy the license keys.
Thanks all