USB wireless modem on a SOHO 250
I am looking to replace a TZ 200 with a SOHO 250 for a customer that is in an area with great cell coverage but very expensive internet connections. So I am looking into using a USB Modem from a cell phone provider and use that for their WAN.
The list of devices here is sorely out of date, as under GEN7, 2 of the listed Verizon devices are no longer sold, having been replaced by newer versions.
So is there a way of know if a Verizon Global Modem USB730L is supported on a SOHO 250
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hi @JST3751,
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
The USB modem list KB is there after testing the cards with firewall appliances officially. The cards that are not listed in the KB are not tested along with firewall appliances. Its that simple.
IMO, to verify if the USB Verizon Global Modem USB730L is supported on a SOHO 250, you may need to approach our support team and take necessary help. This is something that can be checked internally and file a RFE if its not supported at this time. Please contact our support team on this matter for clarification.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services