SMA 500v - VMware vs. Hyper-V

next week a customer wants to switch from VMware to Hyper-V and I was checking the downloads. To my surprise the download size of the Hyper-V image is nearly 6 times the size of the VMware counterpart.
Are the requierments on Hyper-V are higher in general or is it just because of some other factors? Never worked with Hyper-V before in detail, so bear with me.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
well the size difference seems to be related of the representation of the virtual harddisk. The 700+ MB Download of the Hyper-V image just contain the virtual harddrive, no nice .OVA template like for VMware.
It seems that a migration from VMware to Hyper-V works, the settings imported. BUT one minor hickup occurs, I can't restart the SMA, when clicking the restart button the message shows up that the appliance is restarting, but nothing happens for a minute or two and then I'am back at the login page. The appliance wasn't restarted.
Is this a bug or caused by the settings import?
What version of the firmware are you on?
Hi @MasterRoshi,
I'am running 10.2 on this deployment.
There was an issue similar to this on Azure on 10.2 (SMA-1195). Can you do another 'reboot' and check the System -> Status section to see if the SSL VPN service was restarted?
I saw a message "SSLVPN restarted" in the log after trying the reboot.
I have updated it to include HyperV as a platform. It will be fixed in
Its available now and is out you can download and deploy from MSW.
Vijay Kumar KV
Enterprise Tech Support Consultant | SME is released and its available to download in
Then upgrade to latest version since we've many new bug fixes which was opened for
Vijay Kumar KV
Enterprise Tech Support Consultant | SME