that crazy bird...

so um, why is there a bird that flies across my vpn appliance home page and poops out a bunch of marketing information?
i can see that i can set it to a "custom" page but that is just a text box and a simple message. I suppose i could put links to images and stuff in there. But can i not just remove the bird and his droppings and keep the ambient styling?
This is on the 500v.
let me know thanks.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
Hi @eol_sonicwall ,
when I saw the pooping bird the first time I was confused as well, but having a Login Message (and enabling Display custom login page) will get you away from this feathered distraction. I'am having some HTML code in the Login Message to spice things up, but it's limited. HTML code in the Portal Banner Title doesn't work anymore, that got messed up in an earlier release, but it's still working in the classic mode.
I was shocked when cranking up Firmware 10.0 for the first time and saw this marketing show on a customers appliance. This is debatable, to say the least.
ah nevermind actually. i decided to use the minimal interface last night and didnt post a comment back.
i did as you said BWC, just made a basic message and changed the logo to look better on white. Minimal (custom) is better anyway.
Hey @eol_sonicwall and @BWC ,
I agree with you both on this (although I guess I fail to see the "pooping" part - though a funny observation for sure!).
I happen to know that this login screen is on our roadmap to update - hopefully in an upcoming release. I'll check back in here when I have a date commitment on that but know that your feedback has most definitely been heard by the right people to get this updated.
VP, Web and Digital Experience, SonicWall. Get my attention by tagging @Terri on the Community.