accessing external links from webpage

Dear all,
Not sure under which categrory to post, i talked to technical support, but seems I understood wrong.
My problem is with the external links on our webpage, some of them should open as without/outside sonicwall.
How would i use javascript with such external link? can i configure sonicwall for certain url's?
We have video-links and an openid-connecteion which currently open with javascript trics, but i hope for a better solution with your help.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
On the firewall, we check for the URL you are accessing and have options to block, allow, apply BWM, show a confirm or passphrase page.
I would like to understand what you are expecting the SonicWall to perform?
Could you please elaborate if something does not work as expected when the user is behind the firewall but works fine when outside the network?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services