SSL-VPN Error "no network-address ipv6 does not match"

When tried configuring the SSL-VPN on tz270w device which is running on 7.0.0-R667, I am getting an error "no network-address ipv6 does not match"
SSL-VPN-> Client settings->Default device Profile->Network Address IPV4
I tested the same on a Gen6 and Gen6.5 devices and I don’t see this behaviour.
Can someone please look into this ?
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
We have this issue reported to engineering under Issue ID GEN7-14706.
Could you please upgrade to the initial release 7.0.0-R906 and then let us know if that takes care of the issue?
If not, you can reach out to Support and they can assist you with getting the HF for this issue.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services