Gen 6 API administrator password change

Device: NSA 2650
Firmware : SonicOS Enhanced
Gen 6 request URL:
"status": {
"success": false,
"cli": {
"mode": "administration_mode",
"depth": 2,
"command": "admin-password old-password password new-password password123 confirm-password password123",
"configuring": true,
"pending_config": false,
"restart_required": "FALSE"
"info": [
"level": "error",
"code": "E_NO_MATCH",
"message": "No matching command found."
The issue is the hyphen in admin-password.
Is their a way to get around this? Would it be possible to request using direct/cli?
If so, where can I find the JSON layout to achieve this?
Hello @Gee,
I tried this over CLI and could successfully do it using the following commands.
config(HomeTZ_300)# administration
(config-administration)# admin password old-password password new-password PASSWORD confirm-password PASSWORD
% Processing request...
% Status returned processing command:
admin password old-password password new-password PASSWORD confirm-password PASSWORD
% Changes made.
(config-administration)# commit
% Applying changes...
% Status returned processing command:
% No changes made.
But, while using API, I get the exact same error that you are getting.
Just for testing I tried this on a Gen 7 device (NSv 870) and could do it successfully using the following:
Request URL:
"administration": {
"admin_password": {
"old": "password",
"new": "PASSWORD"
"status": {
"success": true,
"cli": {
"mode": "config_mode",
"depth": 1,
"configuring": true,
"pending_config": false,
"restart_required": "FALSE"
"info": [
"level": "info",
"code": "E_OK",
"message": "Success."
Unfortunately, the same did not work for me on a Gen 6 appliance. I will research some more and let you know what I find.
Thank you!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services