User Access Reporting : Who Went To Work And When?
User Access reporting is poor. Added our 10.2 SMA to GMS 8.7 Sp1 and in some many cases barely works at all.
We would like to be able to see who logged in and for how long.
This needs to be able to be filtered per portal / domain
Some kind of distribution graph per user at a detail level would be useful. Also a number of users at the group level would also be great to see.
The idea being. - "Who went To work and when" and also "Which "Portals/Domains" were used the most over time".
Best Answer
Vijay_Kumar_KV Moderator
we have few cases from customers with Anayzer 8.5 reports are not as expected, however we'll file a bug for the same.
However we're coming up with new reporting tool CSC and this will be supporting from upcoming patch, this will be released by end of April 2020.
Vijay Kumar KV
Enterprise Tech Support Consultant | SME